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Concealed and Revealed
A Year in the Old and New Testaments


Maybe you have tried to read through the Bible as if it were a novel--starting on page 1 and going straight through.  But you got stuck in the Old Testament.  Your friends told you to skip the old and read the new.  But that did not seem right either. Concealed and Revealed has the solution for you.


This book provides a daily reading schedule with passages in the Old and New Testaments each day.  Rather than reading “cover to cover” from Genesis to Revelation, we read in both testaments simultaneously each day.  On Day 1 we read Genesis 1-2 and Matthew 1 and consider some selected verses in each reading. The title comes from the idea that the New Testament is concealed in the Old and the Old Testament is revealed in the New.  I think you will be amazed at the way the two testaments complement each other and show that the Bible truly is the Word of the Eternal God who is Creator and Sustainer of all things. He unfolds His wise plan to redeem a corrupted people for Himself beginning before Creation and culminating in the new heavens and the new earth in which righteousness dwells. 

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Cover to Cover
Through the Bible in 365 Days

​Is this you? 


On January 1, you resolve to read the entire Bible in one year, but by February you're already behind schedule. By March you're bogged down in Leviticus, and so you decide to just give up, promising to try again next year.


If something like that has ever happened to you, then Cover to Cover is for you.

With a daily reading schedule going through the Bible in order (from Genesis to Revelation), this book lays out a simple plan for you to complete the Bible in one year reading about 85 verses a day. It also includes a focus passage, daily reflections and challenges for each day to help with understanding and application. This book offers an achievable method of reading the Bible through in one year with  thoughtful reflections to help you find meaning in each daily passage.

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